Postcode: 26 127
Section: VQ-KVB
ID: 1067717
Location: Oldenburg
Date of birth: 19/06/1960
with the potential customer has spoken in person. The potential customer wants
aid health insurance which can start at 5.2011.
The potential customer wants them for himself,
The potential customer is an official and shall exercise the profession postmistress of-date.
is currently private health insurance, the potential customer in the Health Insurance Fund.
following health issues were addressed:
layers complaints or diseases in the last 5 years in the following areas before?
allergies? No
Mental infirmity? No
diabetes? No
heart? No
overweight? No
Other? No
The prospective buyer has no negative credit rating.
The contact details were matched with the potential customer and if complemented.
The potential customer has been informed that an insurance expert in touch with her is to make a consultation.
the best accessibility of the potential customer is from 17 clock in the evening.
free here login to binding booking
anne.wolters.fsc24 @
or call us at the time of
09:00 - 17:00 clock under 02 041 380 2995 on.
be interested but have questions about booking?
Send an email to:
Send an email to:
anne.wolters.fsc24 @
or call us at the time of
09:00 - 17:00 clock under 02 041 380 2995 on.